Tuesday, September 22, 2009

John 8

This morning Trey and I read over John 8. I've never realized how incredibly direct the claims of Christ were and are until now. You see, Trey and I came to the collective realization that we miss so much of the richness and clarity of the Bible when we read a few verses at a time without the proper context. I've read verses in John hundreds perhaps thousands of times. But now that Trey and I are reading it through chapter by chapter each morning, I'm really starting to see the whole picture. The face off with the pharisees and the claims of deity are all so poignant as we read through this way. When I read about them crowd literally beginning to pick up stones to kill Jesus for his "blasphemous statements" I can truly see how incredible and earth shattering His revelations were. These people were not prepared for His radical and "hard" teachings. Trey and I have pondered if we would have been ready had we been there. It is His grace alone that has saved us.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Wow! The apartment had gotten out of control again. We had membership class at church Friday and all day Saturday, so we just stuck around for the Saturday night service. That left me all Sunday morning to get things back in order here, and I'm so glad to report that the laundry has been washed and the dishes have been cleaned.

The school year is definitely off to a roaring start. At first it was extremely difficult, but I think things are easing now.

In other exciting and nerdy news, I figured out how to work the InterLibrary Loan through the Fort Worth library system. Fairly soon I should be sitting down to read some amazing Noel Piper, the wife of a teaching pastor I highly respect. I'm stoked.