Monday, January 16, 2012

Countdown to June

I am so excited for 2012.
2012 is the year that I get to stay home with my little ones. Today is a school holiday, so instead of dropping off the boys at daycare and heading to the classroom, I piled them into their wagon and we took a long walk around the block. As we were walking around the neighborhood, I thought, "Could this really be my life? Could I really spend weekday mornings trekking around the neighborhood with my two little boys?"

Right now, I am at a particularly difficult stage with Chandler. He cries when I drop him off at daycare in the morning, and he falls asleep shortly after we get home. With Owen Ray it's a whole lot easier. He loves his buddies at daycare, and we have a few hours to hang out once we get home.
Weekends are wonderful, but weekends are also short. Plus, many things that need to be done throughout the busy work week get pushed to Saturday or Sunday.

All that to say, I am really starting to anticipate my impending retirement from teaching. It cannot come soon enough.