Sunday, September 9, 2012

Cloth Diapering (6 months in)

We have been cloth diapering for just shy of 6 months now, and it is one decision I am glad I made.  There were serious pros and cons to consider when making the transition, but the bottom line for us was our budget.  As part of our monthly budget planning, we had a money envelope solely dedicated to the purchase of diapers and wipes.  Now that we have dropped down to one income, it is so nice to have one less envelope to fill with cash.

 It really does save money!
  • My cloth-diapering routine results in one additional load of laundry every 2-3 days.
  • Every time I put on a cloth-diaper, it's like putting a quarter in a piggy bank since I am not spending the 21 cents on the disposable diaper or the 4 cents on the wipes I would use during that diaper change.
  • 25 cents a diaper change adds up, especially when you have more than one in diapers at a time.
  • Cloth diapers are made to last.  You can use them from one child to the next without really needing to replace or add to your stock of diapers.  Plus, as weird as this sounds, cloth diapers have excellent resale value.

I know that it takes some extra planning and some added inconvenience, but the monetary benefits make it well worth it to me.  Now that I'm not drawing in an income, I can help my family by cutting costs anywhere possible.  Diapering, as it turns out, is a major money-saving area for us.