Monday, August 9, 2010

Summer is coming to a close

I cannot believe that summer is almost over, and I am supposed to be gearing up to start a new school year. It just flew right by. Trey left for nearly six weeks to work in Charleston, SC. He was busy as a camp pastor at Charleston Southern University preaching the gospel to lots 'o' kids. I really don't mind having him gone because God has given him a gift of teaching, and I know that He has called Trey to this particular ministry.

My mom came out for four of those weeks, and I loved getting to see her. She is such an amazing woman, and it was so nice just to stay up way too late most nights talking about life. Dad joined us for a week, as well, and Owen Ray had a blast getting to see his Papa. I was devastated when they left. By devastated I mean that I called my husband while he was driving them back to the airport and demanded that he turn around and bring them back. It sounded reasonable to me at the time. Nevermind my three siblings that still live at home. They'll do fine fending for themselves.

The highlight of my summer has definitely been time with Owen Ray. I cannot wait until I get to stay home with him full-time. Until then, teaching is the next best thing. Speaking of teaching, my beloved got a full time job teaching Chemistry in a nearby school district. As I type he is at his new teacher orientation. I am so thankful that he is willing to tackle grad school and full time employment so that we can commit to paying off our student loans (probably more appropriate to specify my student loans here). One of the most visible and persistent blessings in my life is the fact that God graciously gave me Trey.