There are several reasons these folks choose cloth diapers for their little one:
-environmentally friendly
-more natural
-less expensive
I really like all of these reasons, but I have been most intrigued by the economical advantages that cloth diapering offers. I was surprised to find out that most of my friends pay off their initial investment within 4-8 months. I say "investment" because deciding to cloth diaper does take quite a bit of funds up front. Most people spend at least $300-$400 and some much, much, more. Despite the high "start-up" cost, within the first 8 months, they "break even" in terms of what it would have cost them to buy disposable diapers. After that break even point, it's just money in their pocket. When I consider the monthly cost of diapers, we do spend about $50 a month. That's a lot of money over the last three and a half years.
Now, with #3 on the way, I am seriously considering converting to cloth. How seriously? Well, I purchased a small stash of bumgenius diapers for $5 each to use on Chandler during the weekends. He will still continue to wear disposable diapers at day care, but I'll get a chance to see if cloth will really work for our family before we make an investment bigger than $50.
Today is our first day - wish me luck!