In addition to Owen Ray's Sonlight core (which I adore), we read through Blueberries for Sal and did some fun related activities. The boys most enjoyed the day we did our own blueberry hunt. With pails in ,they found the 10 blueberries I had hidden throughout the living room. They were extremely proud of their berry finding skills.

We also went on our second field trip of the year. We visited Fire Station #1 in Burleson. The kids were enthralled with the fire engine and all the cool equipment that fire fighters use to put out fires. They talked to the kids about safety and even sent each of them home with goody bags about ways to reinforce those concepts. The goody bag included a glow bracelet that when activated burst directly in my eye. So much for safety. Thankfully I was able to go to my eyewash station (i.e. my kitchen sink) and flush it with water for 10 minutes. We give out glow bracelets every Halloween, so I've activated hundreds of them and never have I had one burst on me. Yikes.
Again, being outside each day has been life-giving. I am so glad that the weather has started to morph into Fall. There is not a day that passes that we don't see something to marvel at, whether it's a wild rabbit darting across the field or squirrels jumping from branch to branch. So lovely.