Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How to read books and rent movies for free (every time)!

I've always wanted to become a "patron of the arts" but I realize that role is primarily limited to rulers and noblemen.  How do I satisfy my yearning to patronize something without resorting to my husband?  The library!  That's right, friends.  When you get a library card you are not a guest or a customer, you are a patron.  How cool is that?  Answer: very cool.

Smith Budget Reduction Strategy #....7?  Stop buying books and renting movies!!!!  If you are like me, you love to read... and that's a good thing.  What's not a good thing is buying a book that you can get for free from your local library.  In my case, I have been able to get even the most obscure titles through inter-library loan systems for free.  As for movies, Redbox and Amazon Video on Demand are not good deals when you consider that your local library usually rents DVDs for 1 week for free.  Movies not on hand can often be requested free though inter-library loan programs, as well.

 Hopefully we've established that becoming a patron of your local library is a good way to save money regardless of your station in life, but I want to take this a step further if you're a mom or a dad.  Many parents I know want their child to be in a safe, engaging, oftentimes educational environment where they can interact with children of their own age group, and they are willing to devote precious resources to obtain this. They feel like their only options are to enroll their little one in a preschool program or at the very least sign them up for a 2 day a week Mother's Day Out program.  I have good news for you! Paying for a costly program is not your only option.  We, for example, chose to have a small litter of children so that there would never be a shortage of peer interaction.  But I digress.

Find out what's going on at your local library!  In our area, we have a fabulous library with wonderful activities just for kids.  There are 3 story times each week with a snack and craft, a monthly family movie night with free popcorn, and a kick-butt summer reading program with an impressive lineup of live shows and activities for children who choose to participate. (Crowley Public Library Kids Corner). And we know from experience that the other libraries in our area host similar events.

The upside: 
  • It's free! 
  • It allows me to connect with other families in my community.  This is how I have met really neat moms from all walks of life.
  • I don't have to forfeit oversight of my little ones, yet I get all the social/educational perks of a preschool setting.
  • It's free!

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